Losing a single tooth or multiple teeth in a row can be a distressing experience, impacting both your oral health and self-confidence. Our dentists may recommend dental bridges in Southwest Houston, TX, as an effective solution to restore your smile and dental functionality. A dental bridge is a fixed, or nonremovable, dental restoration that provides stability and aesthetics by replacing your missing teeth.

What are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge consists of two crucial components: custom-made dental crowns and an artificial tooth (pontic) that fills the gap left by the missing tooth. The crowns are carefully designed to match your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless fit and appearance, and are affixed to the teeth or dental implants adjacent to the gap, securely holding the bridge in place.

The Advantages of Dental Bridges

One of the advantages of dental bridges is their permanence. Once in place, your bridge will not easily shift or become loose, providing a long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. Bridges can also be completed in just two visits to our dentists, making it a convenient option for many patients.

The benefits of dental bridges extend beyond aesthetics. They can help restore your ability to speak, eat and chew normally, alleviating stress on your bite and enhancing the overall shape and volume of your face. Additionally, bridges prevent natural teeth from shifting out of position, improving the appearance of your smile and eliminating the need for removable partial dentures.

Our skilled dentists will assess your unique situation and guide you in determining whether a custom dental bridge is the ideal choice for restoring your smile after tooth loss. We invite you to call True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry at 281-666-9912 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Olagoke Masha or Dr. Jennifer Ogbuehi and learn more about how dental bridges in Southwest Houston, Texas, can benefit you!

Frequently Asked Question about Dental Bridges

What makes True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry the best choice for dental bridges in Southwest Houston, TX?

True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry stands out for its commitment to personalized care and excellence in dental services. With experienced dentists like Dr. Olagoke Masha and Dr. Jennifer Ogbuehi, our practice offers high-quality dental bridges tailored to seamlessly blend with your existing teeth and rejuvenate both the look and utility of your smile. Our state-of-the-art technology and compassionate approach ensure a comfortable and effective treatment experience for all our patients.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for a dental bridge?

The ideal candidates are those who are missing one or several teeth. Dental bridges from True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry are perfect for anyone looking to regain their smile’s function and beauty. They’re especially beneficial if you’re facing challenges with eating, speaking, or worried about your teeth moving out of alignment. We recommend scheduling a consultation at True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, where our skilled dentists will assess your oral health and determine the best tooth replacement option for you.

How long does the process of getting a dental bridge take?

Receiving a dental bridge at True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry usually involves a simple two-step process. The initial appointment focuses on preparing the neighboring teeth and capturing their impressions for the custom creation of your bridge components. The follow-up visit is when your dental bridge is precisely fitted and secured, ensuring a seamless restoration of your smile. This efficient process ensures a quick and effective solution to tooth loss, allowing you to enjoy a restored smile in no time.

Are dental bridges comfortable and how long will they last?

At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we craft our dental bridges with the dual goals of enduring wear and optimal comfort. Adhering to a regimen of diligent oral hygiene and routine dental visits is crucial for the longevity of your bridge. Typically, a well-maintained bridge serves our patients faithfully for anywhere from 5 to 15 years, sometimes extending beyond. The feedback we receive highlights a marked enhancement in both the ease of use and overall mouth function, underscoring the bridge’s role as an effective and favored option for replacing missing teeth.

We are excited to help you care for your smile! Call today to schedule your appointment!

Dr Olagoke Masha in Houston Texas


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